OTA Resident Board Exam Prep
- Acetabulum
- Ankle Fractures
- Calcaneus Fractures
- Cauda Equina Syndrome
- Complex Geriatric Proximal Humerus Fracture
- Distal Femoral Fracture
- Distal Humerus
- Distal Periprosthetic Fractures Above TKA Part 1 (Next Level Series)
- Distal Periprosthetic Fractures Above TKA Part 2 (Next Level Series)
- Femoral Neck Fracture
- Femoral Shaft Fracture
- Geriatric Acetabular Fracture
- Hip Intertroch Fracture
- Humeral Shaft Fracture
- Lower Extremity Compartment Syndrome
- Management of Complex Diabetic Ankle Fracture
- Midfoot Injury
- Open Fractures Part 1
- Open Fractures Part 2
- Pelvic Ring Injury
- Pelvic Ring Injuries (Next Level Series)
- Periprosthetic Hip Fractures (Next Level Series)
- Pilon Fracture
- Polytrauma
- Proximal Humerus
- Segmental Defects of the Femur
- Septic Arthritis
- Shoulder and Elbow Dislocations Part 1
- Shoulder and Elbow Dislocations Part 2
- Talus Fractures
- The Terrible Triad of the Elbow Part 1
- The Terrible Triad of the Elbow Part 2
- Tibial Plateau Fracture
- Tibial Shaft Fracture
- Tibial Shaft Fracture (Next Level)
- Upper Extremity Compartment Syndrome
40th Anniversary
- Emily Benson: Forging Global Connections
- Michael Bosse: This is How We Learned to Conduct Clinical Trials
- Michael Chapman: Origins and Early Years of the OTA
- Brad Henley: Revamping Procedure Coding and Reimbursement
- James Kellam: Bridging the Border - Not Just Internal Fixation
- Richard Kyle: The Importance of Mentorship
- Kelly Lefaivre: Outlook for the Future
- Toni McLaurin: Can't Believe We Debated That
- Toney Russell: A Legacy of Innovation
- Marc Swiontkowski: Dialog and Scientific Debate as Founding Principles of the OTA
- David Teague: How OTA Influences an Entire Career From Day 1
Sponsored Content Episodes
- Bone Infection Management Using CERAMENT G with Gentamicin, a Novel Local Antibiotic-Eluting Bone Graft. Sponsored by BONESUPPORT
- The Evolution of Syndesmosis Treatment: What’s Proven, and Why Does It Matter. Sponsored by Arthrex, Inc.
- Management of challenging peri-prosthetic fractures with the EVOS Large Frag and Periprosthetic Plating System: Sponsored by Smith and Nephew
- Challenging Distal Elbow Trauma Indications and the solutions provided in the Distal Elbow Set: Sponsored by Skeletal Dynamics
- The Role of EXOGEN® ultrasound bone healing system for Fracture Management in our Patient Population: Sponsored by Bioventus
- The Role of Value Based Care in Orthopaedic Trauma: Sponsored by The Orthopaedic Implant Company
- Justin Barad, MD and Stefano Bini, MD Discuss Immersive Technologies in Orthopaedics - Sponsored by Osso VR
- Contemporary Management of Injuries to the Wrist - Sponsored by Skeletal Dynamics
- Contemporary Management of Injuries to the Distal Elbow - Sponsored by Skeletal Dynamics
Topics Relevant to Young Physicians
OTA Past Presidents
- Leadership and Career Insights with Andrew Pollak, MD
- What I Know Now with Lawrence Bone, MD, James Kellam, MD, and Brad Henley, MD
- Transitions - Career Progressions Part 1, with Tracy Watson, MD, Jeff Anglen, MD, and Andrew Schmidt, MD
- Transitions - Career Progressions Part 2, with Tracy Watson, MD, Jeff Anglen, MD, and Andrew Schmidt, MD
- Other Ortho Leadership Roles with Richard Kyle, MD, and Marc Swiontkowski, MD
2023 OTA Annual Meeting
Interviews with notable presenters.
- OTA 2023 Annual Meeting Guest Nation South Sudan
- Geriatric Acetabulum
- Podium 67 - Comparison of the Effect of Intravenous and Locally Injected Tranexamic Acid on Blood Transfusion and Complications in Fragility Hip Fractures
- Podium 69 - Tranexamic Acid Administered at Time of Hospital Admission Does Not Decrease Transfusion Rates or Blood Loss for Extracapsular Hip Fractures: A Double-Blinded Randomized Clinical Trial
- Podium 72 - Unipolar Hemiarthroplasty, Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty or Total Hip Arthroplasty for Hip Fracture in Older Individuals
- Podium 74 - Posterolateral or Direct Lateral Surgical Approach for Hemiarthroplasty after a Hip Fracture
- Podium 75 - A Comparison of Helical Blade and Lag Screw Fixation in the Treatment of Intertrochanteric Hip Fractures with Cephalomedullary Nails
- Podium 76 - Integrated Dual Lag Screw Cephalomeduallary Nails Are Associated with Higher Complication Rates versus Single Lag Screw Cephalomedullary Nails for Intertrochanteric Femur Fractures
- Podium 77 - Optimal Fixation Strategies for Displaced Femoral Neck Fractures in Patients 18-59 Years Old: An Analysis of 626 Cases Treated at 27 Level One Trauma Centers
- Podium 82 - Next-Generation Sequencing Results Suggest that a Change in Antibiotic Prophylaxis in Severe Open Tibia Fractures is Warranted
- Podium 84 - Infrapatellar vs Suprapatellar Intramedullary Nailing for Fractures of the Tibia (INSURT Study): A Multi-Centered Randomized Controlled Trial
- Podium 86 - Surgery with Locking Plate or Hemiarthroplasty versus Nonoperative Treatment of 3- and 4-Part Proximal Humerus Fractures in Patients Aged 60 Years and Older: A Randomized Clinical Trial
- Podium 87 - A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Operative and Nonoperative Treatment of Ulnar Diaphyseal Fractures
- Podium 91 - Liberal Transfusion Causes Higher Infection Rates with No Benefit to Functional Outcomes, Orthopaedic Trauma and Anemia: Conservative versus Liberal Transfusion (ORACL): A Prospective Randomized Study
- Podium 100 - Reamer-Irrigator-Aspirator (RIA) versus Autogenous Iliac Crest Bone Graft (AICBG) for the Treatment of Nonunions: A Multicenter Randomized Trial
- Podium 102 - Factors Affecting Outcomes of Hindfoot Fusion Nails for Acute Injury: A Multicenter Study
- Podium 106 - Outcomes of Amputation and Limb Salvage in Combat Injuries: Does Level of Injury Matter? A Secondary Analysis of METALS I Dat
- Podium 107 - Postoperative Weightbearing Status Does Not Lower Patient Mortality Following Geriatric Distal Femur Fracture
- Podium 120 - The Utility of Multidimensional Fluoroscopy in the Treatment of Pelvis and Acetabular Fractures
- Podium 121 - Acetabular Dysplasia and Posterior Wall Fractures: The Missing Link
- Podium 122 - Surgical Complications after Operative Fixation of Minimally Displaced Lateral Compression Type 1 Pelvic Ring Fractures
- Podium 135 - Periarticular Multimodal Analgesia for Postoperative Pain in Tibial Plateau Fractures: A Double Blind Randomized Controlled Study
The Early Years of Practice
The Ortho Resident Survival Guide
2021 OTA Annual Meeting
- Paper 60 - A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Operative and Nonoperative Treatment of Humeral Diaphyseal Fractures
- Paper 61 - Is the Use of Bipolar Hemiarthroplasty Over Monopolar Hemiarthroplasty Justified? A Propensity Score-Weighted Analysis of a Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial
- Paper 62 - A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing Subcutaneous Enoxaparin & Oral Rivaroxaban for Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis in Orthopaedic Trauma Patients
- Paper 63 - Intraoperative Hematoma Block Decreases Postoperative Pain and Narcotic Consumption After Intramedullary Rodding of Femoral Shaft Fractures: A Randomized Control Trial
- Paper 64 - Periarticular Multimodal Analgesia Decreases Postoperative Pain in Tibial Plateau Fractures: A Double Blind Randomized Controlled Pilot Study
- Paper 65 - Definitive Flap Coverage Within 48 Hours of Definitive Fixation Reduces Deep Infection Rate in Open Tibial Shaft Fractures Requiring Flap Coverage
- Paper 67 - Risk of Iatrogenic Sciatic Nerve Injury During Posterior Acetabular Fracture Fixation: Does Patient Position Matter?
- Paper 76 - Distal Femur Fractures Occur 8 Times More Frequently in Short versus Long Cephalomedulary Nails for Intertrochanteric Hip Fractures: A Longitudinal Study
- Paper 77 - Risk Factors for Non-union of Distal Femur Fractures
- Paper 81 - Risk of Conversion to Total Hip Arthroplasty Following Hemiarthroplasty for Hip Fracture
- Paper 84 - Outcomes for Geriatric Proximal Humerus Fractures: A Matched Comparison of Nonoperative Management and Reverse Shoulder Arthroplasty
- Paper 86 - Long-leg versus Short-leg Cast Immobilization for Displaced Distal Tibial Physeal Fractures
- Paper 92 - Results of Emergency Department Stress of Lateral Compression Type 1 Fracture Correlate with Validated Instability Scoring System
- Paper 107 - Outcomes of Intramedullary Nailing Versus External Fixation in the Treatment of Open Tibial Fractures: Three to Five Year Follow-up Study of a Randomized Clinical Trial
- Paper 109 - How Long Can Debridement Wait in Type IIIB Open Tibia Fractures?
- Paper 111 - An International Comparison of Acute Versus Staged Fixation of Bicondylar Tibial Plateau Fractures
- Paper 116: 10-Year Incidence and Possible Predictors of Conversion to TKA Following Operative Fixation of Distal Femur Fractures: Analysis of 6086 Patients
- Paper 117: Lower Complications in Acute THA for Intertrochanteric Femur Fractures than Delayed Conversion THA after Failed Operative Fixation
- Paper 120 - Risk Factors and Characteristics of Recalcitrant Osteomyelitis Following Appropriate Initial Surgical and Antibiotic Treatment
- Paper 129 - No Change in Outcome between One and Five Years after Repair of Displaced Proximal Humerus Fracture
2022 OTA Annual Meeting
- Delayed Surgery Increases the Rate of Infection in Closed Fractures in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
- Single-Incision Fasciotomy Decreases Infection Risk Compared to Dual-Incision Fasciotomy in Treatment of Tibial Plateau Fractures with Acute Compartment Syndrome
- Risk Factors for Reoperation to Promote Union in 1,128 Distal Femur Fractures
- Is Iliosacral Screw Removal Useless? A Causal Analysis of Prospective Observational Data
- What is the Probability that Intrawound Vancomycin Powder Reduces Infections in Patients with High-Risk Tibial Plateau or Pilon Fractures?A Bayesian Analysis of the VANCO Trial
- Aqueous-PREP: A Pragmatic Randomized Trial Evaluating Preoperative Aqueous Antiseptic Skin Solutions in Open Fractures
- Functional Outcomes of Primary Arthrodesis vs. Open Reduction and Internal Fixation in the Treatment of Lisfranc Injuries
- OTA 2022 Annual Meeting Selected Posters
"Game Changer" Studies
- 2024 Series: Distal Radius Fractures
- 2024 Series: Fix and Flap: The Radical Orthopaedic and Plastic Treatment of Severe Open Fractures of the Tibia
- 2024 Series: Irrigation Solutions in a Contaminated Wound
- 2024 Series: Lateral Compression Type-1 Pelvic Ring Injuries
- 2024 Series: Traumatic Arthrotomies
- 2024 Series: Trimalleollar Fractures with Impaction of the Posteromedial Tibial Plafond
- 2023 Series: SPRINT Trial
- 2021 Game Changers Series Part 3: The VANCO Study
- 2021 Game Changers Series Part 2: Mid-Shaft Humerus Fractures
- 2021 Game Changers Series Part 1: Pelvic Ring Disruptions
- 2020 Game Changers Series Part 2
- 2020 Game Changers Series Part 1
2020 OTA Annual Meeting
- OTA Annual Meeting Notable Presentations Part 7
- OTA Annual Meeting Notable Presentations Part 6
- OTA Annual Meeting Notable Presentations Part 5
- OTA Annual Meeting Notable Presentations Part 4
- OTA Annual Meeting Notable Presentations Part 3
- OTA Annual Meeting Notable Presentations Part 2
- OTA Annual Meeting Notable Presentations Part 1
2020 OTA Specialty Day
- Episode 1: OTA Highlight Papers
- Episode 2: OTA Highlight Papers (cont.)
- Episode 3: Bone Defects in 2020
- Episode 4: Antibiotic Cement Coated Nails
- Episode 5: Limb Salvage vs Amputation
- Episode 6: Amputations – General principles: What do to...and what not do to
- Episode 7: Modified ERTL – Distal Tibiofibular Bridge Synostosis: A Closer Look
- Episode 8: Osseointegration for Amputees
- Episode 9: Proximal Humerus Fracture: Deltopectoral versus Split
- Episode 10: Bone Transport and then Nailing
- Episode 11: Compression Nail Technique for Nonunions
Additional Topics
- A Conversation with OTA President Emil Schemitsch
- Dual Fixation for Distal Femoral Fractures: Tips and Tricks
- Origins of the OTA Open Fracture Classification System
- Origins of Pelvis Fracture Classifications
- How to Succeed in Getting Your Needs
- OTA 2023 Humanitarian Scholars: Part 1
- OTA 2023 Humanitarian Scholars: Part 2
- Sneak Preview: OTA FractureBook
- Social Determinants of Health and Our Role
- Stories from the OTA Roy Sanders Traveling Fellowship
- Succession! Passing the Torch at JOT
- Core Curriculum Lectures: Intertrochanteric Femur Fractures
- Leveraging Social Media for Education
- Acute Care Orthopaedics: Another Perspective
- PREVENT CLOT - Aspirin or Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin for Thromboprophylaxis after a Fracture
- OTA after Hours: Is Infrapatellar Nailing Dead?
- Acute Care Orthopaedics: Is It a Thing?
- Interview with 2022 OTA President Dr. Michael Archdeacon
- Orthopaedic Research Funding Opportunities with the Department of Defense Congressionally-Directed Medical Research Program
- OTA after Hours: The evolution of calcaneus fracture management over the last 30 years and the criteria for non-operative and operative treatment pathways
- SpeakUp Ortho Movement
- Interview with 2021 OTA President Dr. Heather Vallier
- Fracture-Related Infections: Part 1
- Fracture-Related Infections: Part 2
- Non-Union Part 1: Patient Evaluation Principles
- Non-Union Part 2: Biomechanical Principles
- Non-Union Part 3: Biological Treatment Principles
- Non-Union Part 4: Patient Case Studies
- Obesity in the Orthopaedic Trauma Patient: Part 1
- Obesity in the Orthopaedic Trauma Patient: Part 2
- Peri-Prosthetic Fractures of the Hip: Part 1
- Peri-Prosthetic Fractures of the Hip: Part 2
- Peri-Prosthetic Fractures of the Hip: Part 3
- March 27, 2020 Part 1: COVID-19 Preparedness in Orthopaedic Trauma
- March 27, 2020 Part 2: COVID-19 Preparedness in Orthopaedic Trauma
- March 27, 2020 Part 3: COVID-19 Preparedness in Orthopaedic Trauma
- April 2, 2020 Update Part 1: COVID-19 Preparedness in Orthopaedic Trauma
- April 2, 2020 Update Part 2: COVID-19 Preparedness in Orthopaedic Trauma
- April 2, 2020 Update Part 3: COVID-19 Preparedness in Orthopaedic Trauma
- Orthopaedic Residents Partner with Their Medicine Colleagues at the Epicenter of the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Update on the NYC COVID Experience
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