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Forearm and Elbow
These articles have been recommended as excellent sources of educational information. The permission of each varies.
- Compression-Plate Fixation of Acute Fractures of the Diaphyses of the Radius and Ulna. Chapman MW, Gordon JE, Zissimos AG. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1989 Feb;71(2):159-69.
- Refracture of Bones of the Forearm After Plate Removal. Hidaka S, Gustilo RB. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1984 Oct;66(8):1241-3.
- The Effect on Supination-Pronation of Angular Malalignment of Fractures of Both Bones of the Forearm. Matthews LS, Kaufer H, Garver DF, Sonstegard DA. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1982 Jan;64(1):14-7.
- Forearm Nonunion: Characterization and Management. Srinivasan RC, Hutson RL, Richard MJ. J Hand Surg Am. 2020 Nov;45(11):1055-1064.
- Above and Below-the-Elbow Plaster Casts for Distal Forearm Fractures in Children. A Randomized Controlled Trial. Bohm ER, Bubbar V, Yong Hing K, Dzus A. A randomized controlled trial. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2006 Jan;88(1):1-8.
- Synthetic versus Plaster of Paris Casts in the Treatment of Fractures of the Forearm in Children: A Randomised Trial of Clinical Outcomes and Patient Satisfaction. Inglis M, McClelland B, Sutherland LM, Cundy PJ. Bone Joint J. 2013 Sep;95-B(9):1285-9.
- The Effect of Rotational Malunion of the Radius and the Ulna on Supination and Pronation. Dumont CE, Thalmann R, Macy JC. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2002 Sep;84(7):1070-4.
- Surgical Exposures of the Radius and Ulna. Catalano LW 3rd, Zlotolow DA, Hitchcock PB, Shah SN, Barron OA. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2011 Jul;19(7):430-8.
- Treatment of Diaphyseal Forearm Fractures in Athletes Author: David Ring, MD Journal: Atlas of the Hand Clinics Volume: Vol. 11, 2006, pp 87–96 full article not available
- Extensile Surgical Exposures of the Radius: A Comparative Anatomic Study. Jockel CR, Zlotolow DA, Butler RB, Becker EH. J Hand Surg Am. 2013 Apr;38(4):745-52.
- How Does Torsional Deformity of the Radial Shaft Influence the Rotation of the Forearm?: A Biomechanical Study. Kasten P, Krefft M, Hesselbach J, Weinberg AM. J Orthop Trauma. 2003 Jan;17(1):57-60.
- Effect of Volarly Angulated Distal Radius Fractures on Forearm Rotation and Distal Radioulnar Joint Kinematics. Nishiwaki M, Welsh MF, Gammon B, Ferreira LM, Johnson JA, King GJ. J Hand Surg Am. 2015 Nov;40(11):2236-42.
- Fractures of the Shaft of the Ulna. Bhandari M, Schemitsch EH. J Orthop Trauma. 2004 Aug;18(7):473-5. doi: 10.1097/00005131-200408000-00016.
- The Effects of Varus or Valgus Malalignment of Proximal Ulnar Fractures on Forearm Rotation. Snow BJ, Javidan P, Itamura JM, Lee TQ. J Orthop Trauma. 2014 Mar;28(3):143-7.
- The Proximal Ulna Dorsal Angulation: A Radiographic Study. Rouleau DM, Faber KJ, Athwal GS. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2010 Jan;19(1):26-30.
- The Treatment of Isolated Ulnar Fractures in Adults: A Systematic Review. Mackay D, Wood L, Rangan A. Injury. 2000 Oct;31(8):565-70.
- Interventions for Treating Isolated Diaphyseal Fractures of the Ulna in Adults. Handoll HH, Pearce P. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 Jun 13;2012(6):CD000523.
- What Is the Normal Ulnar Bow in Adult Patients? Hreha J, Congiusta DV, Ahmed IH, Vosbikian MM. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2020 Jan;478(1):136-141.
- A Historical Report on Riccardo Galeazzi and the Management of Galeazzi Fractures. Sebastin SJ, Chung KC. J Hand Surg Am. 2010 Nov;35(11):1870-7.
- Galeazzi Fracture-Dislocation: A New Treatment-Oriented Classification. Rettig ME, Raskin KB. J Hand Surg Am. 2001 Mar;26(2):228-35.
- Isolated Radial Shaft Fractures Are More Common Than Galeazzi Fractures. Ring D, Rhim R, Carpenter C, Jupiter JB. J Hand Surg Am. 2006 Jan;31(1):17-21.
- Repair of the Galeazzi Fracture. Campbell HT, Lowe DT, Egol KA. J Orthop Trauma. 2022 Aug 1;36(Suppl 3):S15-S16.
- Distal Radius Fractures: Recognizing and Treating Complex Fracture Patterns. Lubbe RJ, Kokmeyer DT, Young CP. J Orthop Trauma. 2021 Sep 1;35(Suppl 3):s33-s36.
- Patient Outcomes After Transolecranon Fracture-Dislocation. Haller JM, Hulet DA, Hannay W, Cardon J, Tashjian R, Beingessner D. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2021 Feb 1;29(3):109-115.
- Management of the Mangled Hand and Forearm Author: Amit Gupta, MD, and Thomas W. Wolff, MD Journal: JAAOS Volume: Vol. 3, pp 226-236.
- Coronoid Fracture Patterns. Doornberg JN, Ring D. J Hand Surg Am. 2006 Jan;31(1):45-52.
- Nonoperative Management of Displaced Olecranon Fractures in Low-Demand Elderly Patients. Duckworth AD, Bugler KE, Clement ND, Court-Brown CM, McQueen MM. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2014 Jan 1;96(1):67-72.
- Prospective Randomised Trial of Non-Operative Versus Operative Management of Olecranon Fractures in the Elderly. Duckworth AD, Clement ND, McEachan JE, White TO, Court-Brown CM, McQueen MM. Bone Joint J. 2017 Jul;99-B(7):964-972.
- Plate Versus Tension-Band Wire Fixation for Olecranon Fractures: A Prospective Randomized Trial. Duckworth AD, Clement ND, White TO, Court-Brown CM, McQueen MM. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2017 Aug 2;99(15):1261-1273.
- Cost Assessment of Plating Versus Tension Band Wiring Constructs for Treating Mayo Type 2A Olecranon Fractures. Steadman JN, Stephens AR, Zhang C, Presson AP, Kazmers NH. J Hand Surg Am. 2022 Apr;47(4):311-319.
- A Randomized Controlled Trial To Compare Clinical and Cost-Effectiveness of Suture Fixation Versus Tension Band Wiring for Simple Olecranon Fracture Fixation in Adults: The Simple Olecranon Fracture Fixation Trial (SOFFT) Protocol. Cook E, James S, Watts AC; The SOFFT team. Bone Jt Open. 2023 Jan;4(1):27-37.
- Isolated Displaced Olecranon Fracture. Duckworth AD, Court-Brown CM, McQueen MM. J Hand Surg Am. 2012 Feb;37(2):341-5.
- Olecranon Fractures: A Critical Analysis Review. Hamoodi Z, Duckworth AD, Watts AC. JBJS Rev. 2023 Jan 13;11(1).
- Cost Assessment of Plating Versus Tension Band Wiring Constructs for Treating Mayo Type 2A Olecranon Fractures. Steadman JN, Stephens AR, Zhang C, Presson AP, Kazmers NH. J Hand Surg Am. 2022 Apr;47(4):311-319.
- The Treatment of Olecranon Fractures by Excision or Fragments and Repair of the Extensor Mechanism: Historical Review and Report of 12 Fractures. Inhofe PD, Howard TC. Orthopedics. 1993 Dec;16(12):1313-7.
- Surgical Management of Complex Adult Monteggia Fractures. Xiao RC, Chan JJ, Cirino CM, Kim JM. J Hand Surg Am. 2021 Nov;46(11):1006-1015.
- Radial Head Subluxation After Malalignment of the Proximal Ulna: A Biomechanical Study. Sandman E, Canet F, Petit Y, Laflamme GY, Athwal GS, Rouleau DM. J Orthop Trauma. 2014 Aug;28(8):464-9.
- Monteggia Fractures in Adults. Ring D, Jupiter JB, Simpson NS. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 1998 Dec;80(12):1733-44.
- Effect of Ulnar Angulation and Soft Tissue Sectioning on Radial Head Stability in Anterior Monteggia Injuries: An In Vitro Biomechanical Study. Badre A, Axford DT, Padmore CE, Berkmortel C, Faber KJ, Johnson JA, King GJW. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2020 Jun;29(6):1249-1258.
- Valgus Stability of the Elbow. Hotchkiss RN, Weiland AJ. J Orthop Res. 1987;5(3):372-7.
- Terrible Triad Injury of the Elbow: Current Concepts. Mathew PK, Athwal GS, King GJ. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2009 Mar;17(3):137-51.
- Standard Surgical Protocol To Treat Elbow Dislocations With Radial Head and Coronoid Fractures. Surgical Technique. McKee MD, Pugh DM, Wild LM, Schemitsch EH, King GJ. Surgical technique. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2005 Mar;87 Suppl 1(Pt 1):22-32.
- Ligamentous Stabilizers Against Posterolateral Rotatory Instability of the Elbow. Dunning CE, Zarzour ZD, Patterson SD, Johnson JA, King GJ. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2001 Dec;83(12):1823-8.
- Fixation of the Coronoid Process in Elbow Fracture-Dislocations. Garrigues GE, Wray WH 3rd, Lindenhovius AL, Ring DC, Ruch DS. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2011 Oct 19;93(20):1873-81.
- Fixation Versus Replacement of Radial Head in Terrible Triad: Is There a Difference in Elbow Stability and Prognosis?. Watters TS, Garrigues GE, Ring D, Ruch DS. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2014 Jul;472(7):2128-35.
- Can We Treat Select Terrible Triad Injuries Nonoperatively? Chan K, MacDermid JC, Faber KJ, King GJ, Athwal GS. Can we treat select terrible triad injuries nonoperatively? Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2014 Jul;472(7):2092-9.
- Comparative Study of Simple and Complex Open Elbow Dislocations. Boretto JG, Rodriguez Sammartino M, Gallucci G, De Carli P, Ring D. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2014 Jul;472(7):2037-43.
- Open Reduction and Internal Fixation of Radial Head Fractures: Do Outcomes Differ Between Simple and Complex Injuries?. Pike JM, Grewal R, Athwal GS, Faber KJ, King GJ. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2014 Jul;472(7):2120-7.
- Is ORIF Superior to Nonoperative Treatment in Isolated Displaced Partial Articular Fractures of the Radial Head. Yoon A, King GJ, Grewal R. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2014 Jul;472(7):2105-12.
- Evaluating the Utility of Follow-up Radiographs for Isolated Radial Head Fractures Undergoing Initial Nonoperative Treatment. Fenoglio AK, Stephens AR, Zhang C, Presson AP, Tyser AR, Kazmers NH. J Orthop Trauma. 2019 Aug;33(8):e291-e295.
- Complications of Hinged External Fixation Compared With Cross-Pinning of the Elbow for Acute and Subacute Instability. Ring D, Bruinsma WE, Jupiter JB. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2014 Jul;472(7):2044-8.
- A Randomized Controlled Trial of Nonoperative Treatment Versus Open Reduction and Internal Fixation for Stable, Displaced, Partial Articular Fractures of the Radial Head: The RAMBO Trial. Bruinsma W, Kodde I, de Muinck Keizer RJ, Kloen P, Lindenhovius AL, Vroemen JP, Haverlag R, van den Bekerom MP, Bolhuis HW, Bullens PH, Meylaerts SA, van der Zwaal P, Steller PE, Hageman M, Ring DC, den Hartog D, Hammacher ER, King GJ, Athwal GS, Faber KJ, Drosdowech D, Grewal R, Goslings JC, Schep NW, Eygendaal D. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2014 May 6;15:147.
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