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Knee Dislocation
These articles have been recommended as excellent sources of educational information. The permission of each varies.
- Open Reduction Internal Fixation of Displaced Transverse Patella Fractures With Figure-Eight Wiring Through Parallel Cannulated Compression Screws. Berg EE. J Orthop Trauma. 1997 Nov;11(8):573-6.
- Functional Outcomes After Operatively Treated Patella Fractures. LeBrun CT, Langford JR, Sagi HC. J Orthop Trauma. 2012 Jul;26(7):422-6.
- Complications Following Tension-Band Fixation of Patellar Fractures With Cannulated Screws Compared With Kirschner Wires. Hoshino CM, Tran W, Tiberi JV, Black MH, Li BH, Gold SM, Navarro RA. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2013 Apr 3;95(7):653-9.
- Outcomes After Operative Fixation of Complete Articular Patellar Fractures: Assessment of Functional Impairment. Lazaro LE, Wellman DS, Sauro G, Pardee NC, Berkes MB, Little MT, Nguyen JT, Helfet DL, Lorich DG. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2013 Jul 17;95(14):e96 1-8.
- Complications Following Tension-Band Fixation of Patellar Fractures With Cannulated Screws Compared With Kirschner Wires. Hoshino CM, Tran W, Tiberi JV, Black MH, Li BH, Gold SM, Navarro RA. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2013 Apr 3;95(7):653-9.
- Biomechanical Evaluation of Current Patella Fracture Fixation Techniques. Carpenter JE, Kasman RA, Patel N, Lee ML, Goldstein SA. J Orthop Trauma. 1997 Jul;11(5):351-6.
- Patella Fractures Treated With Cannulated Lag Screws and Fiberwire® Have a High Union Rate and Low Rate of Implant Removal. Busel G, Barrick B, Auston D, Achor K, Watson D, Maxson B, Infante A, Sanders R, Mir HR. Injury. 2020 Feb;51(2):473-477.
- Fix It or Discard It? A Retrospective Analysis of Functional Outcomes After Surgically Treated Patella Fractures Comparing ORIF With Partial Patellectomy. Bonnaig NS, Casstevens C, Archdeacon MT, Connelly C, Monaco N, Wyrick JD, Le TT. J Orthop Trauma. 2015 Feb;29(2):80-4.
- Biomechanical Evaluation of Transverse Patella Fracture Fixation Using Headless Screws: A Comparison of Suture Versus Cable as a Tension Band. Bric JD, Martin JM, McGrady LM, Wang M, Schmeling GJ. J Orthop Trauma. 2023 Jun 1;37(6):e253-e257.
- Biomechanical Assessment of Locked Plating for the Fixation of Patella Fractures. Wurm S, Augat P, Bühren V. J Orthop Trauma. 2015 Sep;29(9):e305-8.
- Multiplanar Fixation for Patella Fractures Using a Low-Profile Mesh Plate. Lorich DG, Warner SJ, Schottel PC, Shaffer AD, Lazaro LE, Helfet DL. J Orthop Trauma. 2015 Dec;29(12):e504-10.
- Biomechanical Evaluation of the Tension Band Wiring Principle. A Comparison Between Two Different Techniques for Transverse Patella Fracture Fixation. Zderic I, Stoffel K, Sommer C, Höntzsch D, Gueorguiev B. Injury. 2017 Aug;48(8):1749-1757.
- Total Patellectomy in Knees Without Prior Arthroplasty: A Systematic Review. Cavaignac E, Pailhé R, Reina N, Wargny M, Bellemans J, Chiron P. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2014 Dec;22(12):3083-92.
- The Value of the Ankle-Brachial Index for Diagnosing Arterial Injury After Knee Dislocation: A Prospective Study. Mills WJ, Barei DP, McNair P. J Trauma. 2004 Jun;56(6):1261-5.
- Knee Dislocations: Where Are the Lesions? A Prospective Evaluation of Surgical Findings in 63 Cases. Twaddle BC, Bidwell TA, Chapman JR. J Orthop Trauma. 2003 Mar;17(3):198-202.
- Injuries of the Posterolateral Corner of the Knee. Covey DC. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2001 Jan;83(1):106-18.
- Surgical Management of Knee Dislocations. Surgical Technique. Chhabra A, Cha PS, Rihn JA, Cole B, Bennett CH, Waltrip RL, Harner CD. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2005 Mar;87 Suppl 1(Pt 1):1-21.
- Vascular Injuries in Knee Dislocations: The Role of Physical Examination in Determining the Need for Arteriography. Stannard JP, Sheils TM, Lopez-Ben RR, McGwin G Jr, Robinson JT, Volgas DA. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2004 May;86(5):910-5.
- Management of Complex Knee Ligament Injuries. Fanelli GC, Stannard JP, Stuart MJ, MacDonald PB, Marx RG, Whelan DB, Boyd JL, Levy BA. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2010 Sep 15;92(12):2235-46.
- Factors Predictive of Poorer Outcomes in the Surgical Repair of Multiligament Knee Injuries. Alentorn-Geli E, Lazarides AL, Utturkar GM, Myers HS, Samuelsson K, Choi JHJ, Stuart JJ, Moorman CT 3rd. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2019 Feb;27(2):445-459.
- Management of Knee Dislocation Prior to Ligament Reconstruction: What Is the Current Evidence? Update of a Universal Treatment Algorithm. Maslaris A, Brinkmann O, Bungartz M, Krettek C, Jagodzinski M, Liodakis E. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2018 Aug;28(6):1001-1015.
- Increased Incidence of Vascular Injury in Obese Patients With Knee Dislocations. Johnson JP, Kleiner J, Klinge SA, McClure PK, Hayda RA, Born CT. J Orthop Trauma. 2018 Feb;32(2):82-87.
- Long-Term Followup of Surgically Treated Knee Dislocations: Stability Restored, but Arthritis Is Common. Fanelli GC, Sousa PL, Edson CJ. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2014 Sep;472(9):2712-7.
- Can Vascular Injury be Appropriately Assessed With Physical Examination After Knee Dislocation? Weinberg DS, Scarcella NR, Napora JK, Vallier HA. Clin Orthop Relat Res. 2016 Jun;474(6):1453-8.
- Acute Management of Traumatic Knee Dislocations for the Generalist. Boyce RH, Singh K, Obremskey WT. J Am Acad Orthop Surg. 2015 Dec;23(12):761-8.
- Current Concepts in Knee Dislocations: PCL, ACL, and Medial Sided Injuries. Stannard JP, Bauer KL. J Knee Surg. 2012 Sep;25(4):287-94.
- "Multiligamentous" Injuries of the Skeletally Immature Knee: A Case Series and Literature Review. Badrinath R, Carter CW. J Am Acad Orthop Surg Glob Res Rev. 2018 Oct 23;2(10):e079.
- Management of Acute Knee Dislocations: Anatomic Repair and Ligament Bracing as a New Treatment Option-Results of a Multicentre Study. Heitmann M, Akoto R, Krause M, Hepp P, Schöpp C, Gensior TJ, Bartl C, Lill H, Frosch KH. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2019 Aug;27(8):2710-2718.
- High Prevalence of Knee Osteoarthritis at a Minimum 10-Year Follow-Up After Knee Dislocation Surgery. Moatshe G, Dornan GJ, Ludvigsen T, Løken S, LaPrade RF, Engebretsen L. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2017 Dec;25(12):3914-3922.
- Association of Injury Energy Level and Neurovascular Injury Following Knee Dislocation. Stewart RJ, Landy DC, Khazai RS, Cohen JB, Ho SS, Dirschl DR. AJ Orthop Trauma. 2018 Nov;32(11):579-584.
- Patient Safety in MRI with the Use of a Joint-Spanning External Fixator for Knee Dislocation: A Critical Analysis Review. Marcel AJ, Green JS, Alaia EF, Alaia MJ, Katz LD, Medvecky MJ. JBJS Rev. 2023 Aug 3;11(8).
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